Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Basic Concepts

Well I did lose a little more, but once again it is starting to slow down and I'm noticing myself cheating a little more on some days.. I even got busy yesterday that I forgot to do my blog.. I did weigh in yesterday, but I just feel like I'm starting to maybe lose some motivation on the weight loss front.. but on a positive note I did just sign up for a 10k (6.2 mile) race in October.. Which I needed to do b/c I'm also starting to slip on the running (only 1 time last week).. So I need something to work towards.. I'm hoping this will help plus I need to do it anyway b/c before I know it the Shamrock race will be here again.. man I wonder why I do this to myself when I cant stand to run.. ugggg... Mia Hamm (a prof. soccer player) once said, "Success is usually the result of the old-fashioned, basic concepts like hard work, determination, good planning, and perseverance." This can be applied to just about anything I do, but especially this weight loss journey I'm on.. Without the basic concepts I would not have lost almost 35 pds in 20 weeks.. It's been hard, but well worth it and keeping it off for a lifetime will even be harder, but I have this saying to be my everyday reminder.. Let's all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nothing tastes as good

Watching what I ate was a big help this week b/c I knew I had to make up for my vacation or else it could have caught up to me this week and made me gain more weight. I only worked our 2 times this week.. One of those workouts was a 3 mile run outside, so that helped with getting rid of extra calories yesterday before today's weigh-in... I remember once when I was overweight I asked my instructor in the police academy what I could do to get over the 8 ft wall and he said. "Push yourself away from the dinner table." I was in such shock that someone could be that honest about my weight, but that didn't make me eat any less.. It just made me want to cry.. It is funny what kinds of things motivate us and how honesty is sometimes not a motivator if done in a very hurtful way... You have to be ready to change your lifestyle.. I think that is the biggest part to sticking with a diet.. To not look at it as a diet and just do it one day at a time... I love this quote.. "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." b/c no whopper will satisfy me as looking in the mirror and being happy with how I look... Lets all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Getting back on Track

Well while vacation was a blast I did gain just a little .6 Pd's.. but I know if I get serious again this week and start back running then I should be back down for next weeks weigh in.. Today I had a girlfriend say to me that she couldn't believe how hard we work to get the weight off, but it can come back on so fast.. and she is so right.. I mean it can takes me 2 weeks to lose .6 Pd's.. it will always be a roller coaster of up and down weight, and that is why I want to be weight happy, so when I do go up a little I don't get so upset and just have to work to go back down.. I did prove to myself that I still have some issues with temptation, b/c I could not keep my hand out of the Carmel popcorn bowl even though I knew in my mind how bad it was for me to eat.. errrr and I could have had a little, but I couldn't stop myself.. I even felt guilty for eating it, but then the next night I ate it again... Lesson learned and now I have to move forward and get back on track... Positive thought is that we can fall down as long as we get right back up, clean our wounds and keep on trucking... Lets all be weight happy together...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On Vacation

Well I'm vacation this week, so I was not able to weigh in, b/c there is no scale here and was not about to pack my scale that would have been a little crazy.. lol lol I'm having a great time and trying to watch what I eat, but I have to admit I have been indulging a little more than usual and have to say I'm a little worried, but if I do gain I just have to work harder when I get back home.. I'm giving myself a bye this week and just going to weigh in on next Tuesday and hoping I at least maintained... would have lost a week, but that is going to happen from time to time if this truly is a life change.. and so far it is, but we are all aloud a little fun with food as long as we can bounce back right away... Lets all be weight happy together...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Curb your cravings

I decided since I didn't do anything different last week I would give you some helpful advice to curb those cravings we all can have.. One of my daily problems while I'm watching what I eat is the cravings I get for the foods I know I can't have, so I wanted to just list a few helpful ideas in case you are having the same problem or feeling hungry all the time (this is me too)...

Tips on how to curb cravings:

Eat more fiber (I do this and it works) - fills you up and stops sugar cravings
Drink whey protein - this releases appetite suppressant hormones that curb cravings
Don't skip breakfast (I eat breakfast) - when you skip breakfast you lower your blood sugar even more and that will make you crave food all day long
Have an egg for breakfast (I eat 1 egg & 1 egg white omelet mixed with mushrooms and fat free cheese) - eggs make you fill fuller throughout the day and they only raise your HDL cholesterol which is the good cholesterol in your body
Relax when stressed - when you stress your body releases a hormone called, Cortisol that makes you feel hungry
Sleep 7 hrs or more - when you sleep for 7 hrs you release a hormone called, Leptin which is a fat burning hormone
Wait 20 minutes - your cravings usually pass after 20 minutes (chew gum to help pass time)
Take Vitamin B-3 - this vitamin will lower sugar and alcohol cravings
Eat on blue plates - may sound weird but the color blue makes you want to eat less
Take a whiff of Vanilla scent - the smell of vanilla tricks you into thinking you just craved your need for sugar
Drink water before you eat meals - this fills up your belly, which makes you feel satisfied quicker
Drink green tea - this is an appetite suppressant and it's an all natural fat burner

I do some of these already, but now there are a couple more I'm going to try now... I hope this was helpful.. Let's all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

But not you...

So I have to say I'm kinda really glad we got our pool, b/c I really think that getting into it with the kids and swimming around is helping to keep losing weight.. I'm not only running still ( 3 times last week), but now I have added a little swimming into it through out the week, which is helping with the summer food I'm eating (cookout stuff)... Nothing else has really changed, so I wanted to post a poem that I like..

Let others lead small lives,
But not you.
Let others argue over small things,
But not you.
Let others cry over small hurts,
But not you.
Let others leave their future in someones else's hands,
But not you.

Embrace your own future and let us all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Getting There

I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.. This last week I knew I had to do something to finally get me over the hump of staying at 150, so I did my four times of running this week (still only 2 miles each time) and I drank more water this week to see if that would help.. My eating was still the same, and we only had one night out to eat this week.. Mexican for my son's graduation from preschool. We did go to a pool party/cookout this week too, but I watched my portions really closely... I can tell this summer is going to be hard with losing weight.. My goal is to at least lose something each week if only .2 Pd's, so I keep up the desire to be weight happy.. which I have to admit I'm starting to feel it.. I feel better about how my clothes look on me and I feel good about being in a bathing suit in front of people.. At the pool party I witnessed my former self through another mom.. I asked her why she wasn't in her bathing suit and she said, "I will let the skinny moms do the swimming." Now I have to say this mom herself is not overweight, but I remember feeling the way she does about myself.. It is so funny how as women we always see ourselves much bigger then others see us... I'm not sure if I ever let my weight stop me from doing anything, but I can say I remember not always being comfortable in every situation when I was bigger... My mom asked me last week to say the first thing I thought of when she asked me, "What was my first reason for wanting to lose weight," and I said (which surprised me) "I don't want to be the fat mom." so after I thought about it, I told her that growing up with a skinny mom (she has always been 110 Pd's) always made me feel good about having friends over to swim or go to the beach with her.. I felt she was healthy, happy and so much fun.. I want my kids to feel that way with me.. I know I would have probably felt this way about my mother even if she was a bigger women, but I only know about having the pretty, skinny mom that everyone liked growing up.. My mom did say to me that there was never a option to her not being skinny and that her being happy was a combo of being weight happy, my father and having good kids.. I knew as I got older that my mom had a fear of being overweight, but she never once let on this feeling when I was growing up.. Now I have to say I never had weight issues until after HS.. we are a big family of sports players, so being in shape was something we always were in my house growing up.. Then I got skinny again while on the police force then I had kids and my weight down spiraled again and that is where I am today.. I could so write a book (tee heee).. Positive thought is to just try to stay on track this summer and not lose site of the goal to have a lifetime of being weight happy.. Lets all be weight happy together...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So Close...

Well almost to the 140's but not there yet.. errrr... but I have to admit I know why.. With the holidays I just didn't think it was going to happen.. We were eating all weekend and into yesterday, but we had a great time, so I'm not that upset about not getting there just yet.. I did lose a little and that is really all that matters anyway.. I did work out last week, but only twice, so I know I need to get back into the 4 days a week running, so I can lose some of those extra calories through out the day.. Yesterday my hubby went swimming with my cell phone in his pocket and I was a little upset and what did I do, I started looking in the cabinets to eat something junky.. I'm not sure why that habit still comes up sometimes, but I noticed what I was doing and closed the cabinet, but I did turn around and there was Oreo cookies on the counter and I had one, but at least only one.. lol.. It's funny how when my emotions are out of whack I go for food to make myself feel better.. errr.. It was nice to know I can now catch myself, when before I started this I would have just grabbed something and ate and ate until I was satisfied.. Well onto a new week.. Positive thought for the week.. "There comes a time when we simply have to face the challenges in our lives and stop backing down.." Lets all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hanging in there

So I am starting to wonder if I'm about to hit a plateau.. I was so good about my eating this week and even exercised 4 days this week and played softball (joined a team).. My water intake has not been good for a while now b/c I can't stand to drink it, but maybe I need to go back to trying that again to get me over this hump... I was even not feeling good this week, so my food intake was even lower, so I have to say I'm stumped at only losing 1.2 pounds.. errr I know I can look back and be proud of how far I've come in 12 weeks, but when you are in the moment of your last week and can't understand what went wrong it's hard to see past, right now, but I know I have to see the whole picture.. I have to admit I'm also frustrated about my clothes issues right now too.. It is so wonderful to lose this weight, but now all my jeans, Capri's and shorts are giving me a saggy butt look, which is not cute on someone who has no butt to begin with and really no funds to keep updating her clothes.. so I just have to deal with it until I reach the weight I will stay at and then I will slowly get clothes I fit in nicely... I know this should be the last of my worries, but how you look in your clothes, is how you feel about your body that day.. I have to admit that when people notice my weight loss it does help me to stay motivated, b/c as a women I'm not seeing what other people are, so I need that little reassurance that yes my body does look thinner and my hard work it working.. Positive note for the week is be happy in the moment and enjoy the ride ( I will take my own advice and embrace this week).. Lets all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Patience better than pride

"Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride." I always have to keep this saying in the back of my mind, b/c I could so easily get discouraged on how slow the weight loss process is. I wish I could close my eyes and wake up looking like the girls I see in my US magazine, but hey I know this is not realistic and most likely either is their pics.. lol.. Today my girlfriend wanted to buy a size that fit her but would fit her better if she lost a little more weight and I said to her, "are you going to lose the weight" and she looked at me and said, "there is no option, I have to lose the weight, why else am I doing this", so I told her to buy the smaller pair b/c to me she had the right attitude and she was going to lose the weight. It really is if your head is in the game you will lose the weight... I feel sometimes I have to play mind games with myself in order to keep wanting to lose the weight... b/c I feel me losing the weight is not a health issue but a want issue, so to me it's harder to stick with something you want then something you HAVE to do.. and maybe this is not the hardest part, b/c maybe once I get to a comfortable weight then how hard is it going to be to maintain that weight.. It's all a struggle, but one in the end I think will be well worth it.. Make weight loss a priority in your life and not something you hang on the wall of what you once looked like or wish you could look like.. Don't be that person, be the person who wants something and goes after it.. BE THE WEIGHT LOSS... so we can all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stay True

I think b/c I didn't lose much last week that last week caught up to me and helped for this week.. It's funny how the body works.. I only ran 2 times last week, but I was outside helping my hubby build our new deck and cutting grass, so I was still getting lots of exercise.. I ate really light the four days before this weekend, b/c I knew it was Mother's Day weekend and I would eat a lot (which I did)..but like I have said in the past that weight loss is based on a week, so I think even if you have some days that are heavy then the light days will balance those out.. It is nice to lose weight, but the skin under my arms is more noticeable and the fact that I have lost a lot in my boobs isn't a good thing b/c they get a little droopy when you lose weight in them (guess I need a push up bra).. lol, .. I should have never gained all that weight in the first place.. So I have to wonder how at one point I was at my ideal weight and then I just passed it and kept gaining w/out even a second thought.. Why was I so oblivious to what I was doing???? This journey is still very hard, but it is still easier then when I started this, so if you want to lose weight then start today, b/c waiting just makes the process longer.. Positive thought, Stay true to yourself and don't allow outside judgements to make you second guess the journey you are on.. Lets all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The First 20

Well I did finally reach 20 pd's, whoo hoo but my weight loss this week was less then desirable... Now I do have to say I ate bad this week and only worked out 2 times this past week.. I was a bad girl (dairy queen blizzard).. lol but I did enjoy it.. lol So I'm back on track and worked out yesterday and plan on running again tomorrow... It seems as the weather gets hotter it is becoming harder to run.. It is harder to breath which makes me discouraged and makes me want to slow down and walk.. errr but I'm going to push through and prevail... I also did not journal at all last week, so I have to get back in the habit.. I guess we all fall off the wagon sometimes.. Positive thought for the week, "Keep advancing; do not stop, do not turn back, do not turn from the straight road." lets all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two month mark

I really wanted to reach that 20 pd mark today at my 2 month mark, but it was close enough.. Now if I could look 8 weeks down the road and could see 19 pd's more gone then I think I could be more into this next 2 months, but I'm feeling a little like this is a pain in my butt.. I also know it is going to start to slow down and I could even deal with a plateau.. I'm worried if I do hit one I will get discouraged, b/c as long as I'm losing at least a pd a week then I still feel motivated.. I also know of all the obstacles I'm about to face.. My bday, summer cookouts, summer vacations and the stress of normal things in life that make you want to just eat your heart out.. It is so hard not to want to celebrate with lots of good food, but I have to just keep my portions under control.. I sometimes feel like I'm in a program with eating and I have to remind myself "One day at a time".. who came up with that, it should be "One hour at a time".. lol.. I do want to let everyone know I did still lose weight this week even though I had Mexican and Wendy's.. So you can still have the things you love and still lose the pd's.. Just can't go crazy when you eat it.. Well off to start a new week of becoming weight happy.. wish me luck, may need it this week.. Positive thought... "Encouraging others means helping people, looking for the best in them, and trying to bring out their positive qualities". Tks to all who do this with genuine intentions, I know who you are and love you for the support..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How am I doing it

So for today's blog I decided to tell you guys what I'm doing to stay motivated and keep the weight coming off b/c some of you have been asking.. I'm not counting calories or writing down my food intake any longer b/c now It's just easy to keep track in my head.. It kinda just become second nature that I was eating less.. For breakfast I will eat a yogurt, banana or a Thomas bagel thin toasted w/spray butter on it and I always have a cup of coffee w/fat free french vanilla.. For lunches I eat turkey burgers w/Arnold sandwich thins and 2% cheese, sub sandwiches w/mustard, or lean cuisines... For dinner I just make what we eat normally, I just portion my sizes now and don't go for seconds.. Now for snakes I have popcorn, jello w/whip cream, reduced fat cookies, baked chips or fruit and I always have 1 diet Pepsi a day.. I do still go out to eat with friends and my hubby b/c I do believe I have to eat the foods I enjoy in order to Be able to keep the weight off for life (just have half and save the other half for the next day).. I can't just diet all day every day b/c then I would become bored w/ food and then binge eat.. I run 4 times a week, 2 miles each time (about 325 cal).. Now the reason I have kept up w/ my running is b/c I signed up for another race in June, so that has kept me from falling off the exercise wagon.. I don't do anymore exercise than that b/c I do not want to burn out b/c once again this was a life change not just a lets lose the weight and then struggle to maintain thing... My other advice is try to only step on the scale once a week b/c your body losses weight on a week basis (I mean think about it weight watchers and biggest loser weigh in by the week and hello there is a reason God made 7 days a week).. Plus it keeps you from being discourged when you see your weight going up and down all week.. It took a good month before any of this got easier and longer for me to get motivated about the exercising. It's all about just telling yourself to stick with it and once you see every week that the weight is coming off then it makes you want to go another week to see if you can lose even more.. I feel good about the weight loss and can now see it in my body, but I can't say I feel proud yet b/c I know I still have a long way to go.. I hope this gave some view/help into what is making my weight come off.. Just be consistent in your eating/exercise and don't not do things b/c of food (PORTION CONTROL) is everything.. I even have pizza a lot (my fav food) but now instead of 4 slices I eat 2. Postive thought for the week "Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride".. Lets all be weight happy together..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keep looking forward

So another 2 pds not too shabby.. My goal for next week is another 2 pds or more, so I need to be a little better about writing down what I ate (I have gotten lazy).. Not being so hungry has gotten much easier and have to say running 2 miles now is a breeze, but still not being able to eat a snack or candy when I want is still a hard thing for me to come to grips with, but it is on mind less and less as weeks go by.. I did realize today talking with one of my girlfriends that I was very proud of her for the weight she lost this past week and I think it's because I'm on my own weight journey and losing weight myself.. Before when I was bigger and not on my weight journey, I would think to myself I wish I was the one who was losing weight.. so I never could get past my own insecurities on the issue to be proud of her, so that made me feel good that I now can be a true friend and be proud for her accomplishments too.. I have to admit when we are out I have more than once said to my husband. "honey is that what I look like or honey am I as heavy as that girl." Now that my focus on the issue is not what I look like, but about being healthy and making it a life change I no longer judge other women but now praise them for even trying to be healthier because it is hard... VERY HARD.. being a human sometimes stinks because I just wish I could be a positive thinker about myself and about other people at all times... but I'm getting there and feeling better about things day by day.. Positive thought for the day is keep losing, keep looking forward, and don't look back.. lets all be weight happy..

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I can't complain

Well I have to say I'm amazed that I even lost 1 pound this week b/c I did not spare anything when it came to eating this past weekend for Easter... I have to say I did run 3 times last week though for 30 min each time and I did not feel to good yesterday (head cold) and so since I couldn't taste the food I just didn't eat that much, so that might have balanced it all out. Today I enjoyed a day at the park with the kids and some friends and I have to say the weight conversation found it's way into our nice park day.. It makes me realize that every women has an issue with her body and it seems so funny to me that we as women feel the need to express how bad we feel about ourselves to other women.. It's like in some funny way we can feel better knowing that other women feel icky about their weight too.. It's like comfort weight among ladies.. Talking about the issue can be a nice distraction but in retrospect the weight can't be talked off.. it takes a lot of physical and mental motivation... As I am blogging about this I come to realize my stomach is eating itself.. errrrr only a little while longer till dinner I can hold on... I sometimes stop to ask why I'm losing the weight and I have to remember to tell myself that yes you want to look and feel better even if no one else cares... Do it for YOURSELF is this weeks positive thought... cause that is who matters.. Lets all become weight happy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Finally alittle more

Not sure what I did this week different... I have to wonder if maybe not running this week was a good thing b/c muscle does weigh more and maybe I lost a little of my muscle.. who knows.. all I know is that 3 pds is on record baby.. lol I will start running again today.. Doctor said it should be fine to start back up.. Even if not running helped last week.. I would so much rather be in shape then lose all the weight and have my lose flab flapping every where.. I mean already when I shake my arms the fat is almost hitting me in my face.. which reminds me to start doing under arm exercises.. Doing weights stinks..errr why does everything we should do to keep us in shape feel intolerable... So week 4 and I have to say that nothing about not eating is getting easier.. I mean right now I want french fries... I saw a thing on the TV last night that said salty, fried, fattening foods can be just as addicting as smoking, alcohol, drugs etc.. You know I have to say in some little way I agree with this.. I have never had any of those addictions but, I want those foods all the time and if I'm not getting to eat them then they are on my mind and if they are there I will eat them even if it's just one.. So to me not eating those foods when I want and how much I want is very hard for me.. but I shall overcome.. one day at a time.. Maybe I need to go to a food addiction meeting.. lol oh wait I guess that would be considered Weight Watchers.. On a positive note... I feel hopeful for the next week and a little stronger on my journey to weight happy.. tks for the support..

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Life gets in the way

Not to sure about how Tues. weigh in will go this week b/c life just got in the way.. Thurs. I went to lunch with a girlfriend and we shared, but I still cheated a little (wings).. man were they good.. and then last night I made cupcakes with the kids and I kept licking the spoon..errrr and that was good too.. lol.. So I did run on Wed.. even though my knees still hurt from the race, but then I had a mole taken off my leg on Fri. and it had to be stitched up, so I can't run for a couple of days, b/c it was in the fold of my leg behind the knee.. I feel like this will be a set back, b/c I depended on the calories I was burning by running.. I don't want to keep just going down one pound a week or else I feel I will start to cheat more often.. I'm determined to start running again on Mon., so that I can mentally feel like I'm burning some of the food in my body off.. So I'm just trying to keep long term thoughts and short term goals... Tks for the support..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A little goes a long way

Well at least the my weight still went down.. I really thought I might have lost more b/c of the race, but I think all the pasta I ate counter acted on the calories I lost at the run.. But I still am optimistic b/c I still lost.. I know I have to start journaling better and getting back into my running.. My legs and knees feel better today, so tomorrow I think I will be ready to get back on the treadmill..uggg.. The good news is that I still am getting to eat the things I like.. Just have to watch the serving sizes.. It is a pain to have to look at labels, but I know it will become a habit after awhile.. I have to admit choosing a banana or yogurt over pancakes or donuts makes me insane, but I have no option and that pisses me off... It kinda just makes me want to hibernate in my house so I'm not tempted, but I know that is no kind of life.. I have to learn to manage my food and have a life while doing it.. I'm getting better with temptation, but the real test will be when my hubby wants to eat Mexican.. lol lol.. Positive thought.. Rome was not built in a day, so my weight won't come off in a day either.. Lets all get weight happy together.. Have a good week..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shamrock On

Whoo hooo I'm done with the race and I actually did much better than I expected myself to do.. I ran the whole half marathon and came in under 3 hours.. 2:50:13 is my actual time.. It was hard, but as I was running I just kept telling myself that if I'm going to do this then I have to run the whole thing.. At about mile 12 I did start to break down and get emotional, but my sister calmed me down and kept saying you can't run this whole time and then give up on the last mile and she was right, so I kept running and in the end I was so proud that I ran the 13.1 miles without stopping or walking... So now that the race is done, I have to kept up my running, b/c I have problem with just stopping after the race is over.. and I can't do that b/c I will once again become out of shape and then my eating with go back to my old habits again... and then of course the weight will start to climb again..errr and I'm trying to lose this chunk not gain more of it.. lol I'm thinking I need to sign up for a couple 8k (5 miles) through out the year, so I don't lose the drive to stay in shape.. I can't stand running, but it's the only thing that makes me feel like I'm burning calories... I kinda had a bad eating week.. I think it was the stress and emotions of the race that I gave into temptations a little this week and then I ate a lot of pasta on Saturday to get ready for the race on Sunday and I think that might show tomorrow on the scale.. I will be happy as long as I don't gain.. So I have my mind back in the game and now I just have to move into this next week with a weight loss mind set.. Lets all become weight happy..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Not too bad

Well this weeks weight loss was not as good as last, but hey a little over 2 pds is not bad just going slow... I knew it wasn't going to be a fast process, but it's hard to stay so motivated when it comes off slow.... You know how people say aren't you motivated b/c you see the weight loss coming off?.. I have to admit NO.. seeing the weight come off does nothing for me.. I think it is b/c I don't see it in my body... Maybe if tomorrow my arms didn't jiggle or if my belly was flat then maybe I would say whooo hooo I can do this, but I know that won't happen over night or even over a couple of months.. So I have to honestly think about this process every day and every time I go to stick something in my mouth for me to lose weight.. anyone else feel this way??? I'm the kind of person who has to be mentally in the game to win... That is why I started this blog, so I would have to stay in the game and be accountable for my weeks weight.. Plus having the support has helped a lot.. So last week I did watch what I ate and I have to admit I still enjoyed some things I like.. I had pizza, Mexican and Buffalo Wild Wings and still lost over 2 pds, I'm sure I would have lost more if I didn't eat those things, but I have to find a way to enjoy the foods I love and still lose.. So far it is working... Thought for the week.. Enjoy the things you love just in little perfect portions.. Lets all get to Weight Happy together..

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Better weekend

So this weekend was much better than last.. the only thing is I did not exercise at all.. So I will have to run Mon-Thurs to be ready for the race on Sunday.. I'm still very nervous about this race, so I kinda can't wait till it is over, so I can check that off my bucket list.. I'm a little worried about my weigh in on Tues... I had my visitor come today and I always seem hungrier and heavier the week she is visting.. so we will see what the scale says.. I have been eating a lot of chicken and have to say I'm about over that and ready to move on to maybe some fish.. Today I did have one snack b/c I crave sweets bad.. I had 3 reduced fat chips ahoy cookies with a little milk.. Not bad, but I wanted to eat more and I almost did, but stopped myself and instead played a game with my son.. errrr but don't you know those cookies are still on my mind and it's been like 5 hrs since I ate them.. Why is food always on my mind.. errr.. So I will probably go to sleep with those darn cookies on my mind.. Hope I don't dream I'm cookie monster and sleep walk in the middle of the night to my kitchen.. lol Well I will blog again on Tues.. until then lets think weight happy...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bad day

Last night I only got about 2 1/2 hr sleep, b/c I have a hard time sometimes shutting my mind down and not worrying over things.. So needless to say I was tired and on edge and you know what that means.. I was not in a caring mode to watch my eating today.. errr why do I let this happen to me.. I was decent until dinner when once again we went to Mexican (hubby favorite food).. I'm thinking maybe I should just put it on my can't ever go eat there again list, but why should I.. I just need to be more disciplined when I go there... Isn't it about learning to eat better, so you can still eat things you like but in moderation.. Well I have decided not to beat myself up to much b/c I'm just beginning and I will get there.. One day I will be able to go to Mexican and not eat 20 buckets of chips (j/j) w/white sauce.. yuummm.. I have to admit I did feel guilty after I ate, but the guilt only lasted until we paid the bill.. lol lol. So tomorrow is a new day and I will most defiantly run tomorrow b/c by then my calves might feel fine enough to run on.. Oh yeah be aware your calves with hurt the next day after Zumba, but just like anything new you do, your body has to get use to it.. So happy dieting and just remember we are human, so you can have a bad day too.. Positive thought.. I could have ate a lot more.. lol lol

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Zumba Time

Today started out pretty emotional.. not sure why, but just felt very overwhelmed and tired.. but after I dropped the dog off at the groomers.. Took daughter to gymnastics... it was me time at the YMCA. So today I tried another new class.. Today I did a Zumba salsa class. It was a mix of salsa dancing, hip hop and butt shaking.. It was so much more my style then Yoga.. The instructor said 1 hr of Zumba is 400-600 calories depending on how much you put into your movements.. I think I did about 500 b/c I was trying my hardest and sweating at the same time.. I'm sure I looked like a dancing monkey at first, but I eventually got the movements and I was on like donkey kong.. lol.. So then I stopped for gas and don't you know this skinny chick comes out with a Coke (not diet) and a really big and awesome looking donut in her hand.. I found myself thinking why in the world can she eat that and stay skinny, but if I ate that I would gain 5 pds... It does frustrate me sometimes to see some of my friends eat what they want and stay thin and then others like me have to consistently watch what I put in my mouth down to the BLT (bites, licks, tastes).. I know it's all about out bodies make up but man oh man I wish I could wake up tomorrow and be able to be a whatever I want eater.. Then I came home and started to fell guilty about not running today with the race only 1 1/2 weeks away, so I ran a mile outside.. and I loved it, it was so pretty today.. It lifted my spirits and I even rode bikes with the kids.. I did good on eating today... I had a turkey sandwich (mustard, 2% cheese and 40% fat free bread), baked Doritos and 2 bites of choc. cake w/2 strawberries.. for lunch and hubby is baking a chicken for dinner, so today is almost over and it ended up being a good day.. Positive thought of the day is... trying new things can you suprise you...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Okay so the first week was hard and for some reason long.. Maybe b/c I had to concentrate on not eating so much all week so it seemed the days dragged. So I'm happy about the weight loss but keep in mind that I usually always lose a lot the first week b/c I go from eating unconscious to eating conscious.. lol l My biggest struggle is still wanting to eat what I want when I want. I start to think to my self that it's just not right that I have to watch what I eat then I say oh a few chips won't hurt and I go to grab them, but I stop myself b/c I can't have an excuse.. This is my body and how it works and I have to take accountability for it.. errrr I know rt it stinks... I use to tell people I was big boned and could never look skinny, but that was all a fabrication b/c when I lost all that weight on weight watchers I looked just as skinny as any other 125 pdr, so I know this statement (in my case) is not true.. Oh and seriously still making the kids their food is about to throw me over the edge.. lol I made mac n cheese last night and man did it smell good..but I didn't eat any, but I'm not sure if it's b/c I had the will power or the fact that I knew I had to weigh in.. I guess this week we will see if I have more will power.. I can definitely tell you I'm still hungry but my edgy feeling is starting to go away.. Tk you to my supportive husband who always knows the first week is always the hardest.. Tks for all the support bloggers.. Positive thought for the day is when I look at my kids the stretch marks just don't bother me as much..

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I knew it

So just like I predicted I think I probably over ate this weekend. I had sushi on Saturday, which some might not say it is bad, but it is when you eat 3 rolls covered with rice and one of them was a fried roll.. errr then we had meatloaf sandwiches for leftovers.. I put mayo on it.. bad girl.. Then today I went and had Mexican with a friend after church and of course the chips and white sauce were calling my name.. I'm hoping maybe I can just have a yogurt for dinner and call it a weekend.. but see here is the problem I have it in my mind that I have to eat 3 meals a day, even if I'm not hungry.. why is this.. I have no clue, but I'm going to try tonight to break the habit tonight... I couldn't run this weekend b/c I still hurt for the 8 miles, so I was not able to work the extra calories off at all (an excuse). To top it off today when my computer was booting up, I caught a glimpse of myself in the screen and noticed I took up the whole screen.. I could have just passed out right there from having bad body image... I'm just going to be a good girl tomorrow and run and hope that on Tuesday when I weigh in.. I at least lost a couple of pds.. I mean come on what is this all for if I don't see some result.. Positive for today.. I like my eye color.. blue/grn.. Keep praying bloggers b/c come tuesday I might handcuff myself to my bed if I didn't lose anything..

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The unhappy 8 miler

Yesterday was a day I just want to forget. It started out real good, spending time with the family... went bowling with the kids and then went to Taco Bell.. Now I was real good at Taco Bell I only ate 1 soft taco and some pinto & cheese.. Now here is where it all goes down hill. First off I slpit my Gap jeans when I went to sit down and it looked like a hernia was coming form my inner thigh, b/c my chunk was now sticking through the split.. Then I went to the bathroom and as I was pulling them up to fit over my chunk on my hips I tore a belt loop off by my butt side.. I mean come on.. then my sister asked me to do a 8 mile run with her. Now I have never run for 8 miles and I have only been able to almost do 5 miles for this run I'm training for. So I do the run and I feel good, I mean real good and I run the whole time (1hr 50 min of it).. I know I'm a slow runner.. lol So I drink some water and then boom it hits me like a thunder bolt.. I start throwing up.. but I feel better and now we all eat Arby's ( you know I have been craving it), well I only eat half of my sandwich and start to feel sick again.. and bomb again I throw up.. so now it's time to drive home, so on the way home what happens.. of course I have to pull over and well you know what then happens.. today I'm better, my knees hurt but at least I'm not on death row.. Now I'm real nervous about this run I have to do in 2 wks (13.1 miles).. what if I start to throw up while running.. I mean that is so something that would happen to me.. lol I do have to say that the lemonade vitamin water is the only thing I could keep down, so maybe there is something to that water.. Well on a positive note I ran off about 700 calories yesterday.. whoo hooo

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Yoga anyone

So today I tried my first yoga class and I think maybe the last.. The teacher was great and I do feel more relaxed, but for some reason the whole time I kept thinking of an Arby's roast beef.. I mean wasn't I suppose to be concentrating on my core and balance. I would have rather of been balancing an Arby melt in the palm of my hand.. I also like to do workouts that make my heart pump.. I should find a hip hop class to do, so I can shake my ba dunk a dunk.. lol.. but on a good note I did do good today with no snacking and drinking water (which I can't stand).. the bad thing was I ate late b/c of the yoga class, but maybe the calories I burned (I think 200) will counter balance.. Lets just say it did, so I can sleep better tonight.. lol.. I'm a little scared about the weekend approaching, always tend to cheat on the weekends.. Tks for the support and today I think I like my feet they are cute and little..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Manic Wednesday

Today started off to be a bad one.. The car seats weren't in the car, so of course I got frustrated since we were already running late.. Then there were some chips on the floor of the car (don't know why they were there is the first place). Can you believe I thought about eating one.. OMG.. So then I had to vacuum out the car in 35 degree weather.. the best part is I spent .75 cents on the vacuum and I could have blew in air and sucked better than that thing did.. Went to the YMCA today and for some reason the calorie count is always lower on their treadmills. So I ran 2 miles and walked 1.12miles. Total time was 43 min and 353 calories.. Not to bad but man did it stink.. So now we are home and I'm so hungry that if the chips were still in the car I would have ate them.. I make myself a lean cuisine to eat and who is next to me eating it with me (my daughter). I mean for real I don't get a lot to eat as it is and here she wants some.. errr, but in true mommy fashion, I shared.. So hopefully this wanting to eat all the time and agitation about not eating will subside soon. Oh and hubby just called to say sorry about the chips (so that is how they got there) lol now I can relax and pray I don't eat for the next at least couple of hours.. Where is the gum..

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Man oh Man

I knew my weight had started to climb, but I did not know it was past 175.. So after being a little in shock over my weight I still almost put the fork that I was making the kids pancakes with dripping with syrup and butter into my mouth.. I mean are you kidding me.. These are the habits I need to break and NOW.. Plus I can't stand to drink water, so this is going to be a mental struggle for me.. I have to get into the mind set that I can't wake up tommorow and the weight be gone.. THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME.... and I will be hungry and on edge for at least a couple of days until I get use to not eating a mound of food a day.. Im off to have my coffee and I will measure out 2tbsp of creamer.. so back to one cup a day to save on extra calories.. Also going to have to journal so I can make sure I'm not just sticking things in my mouth for no reason.. Okay wish me luck...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why is it so hard

So I have decided to start this blog so that I can have an accountability to someone for my weight loss.. I did weight watchers for 2 1/2 yrs and stayed thin, but then had kids and quit my job to stay home.. I called the group Jigglers b/c I'm fine with being a bigger girl, I'm just not happy seeing it all jiggle when I wiggle. On my blog I will post each Tuesday my weight.. I will only weigh in once a week b/c I know I will be discouraged if I check the scale each day.. I will try get on each day to update you on how I'm doing and what is or isn't working for me. I will be honest and will even let you know when I'm about to eat all the snacks in my house.. lol.. I don't understand why it is so hard to lose weight at this time in my life.. am I lazy, don't care or am I just stuck in a weight rut that I'm destine to stay in? I will also let you know what is going on in my life and maybe you can shine light on why I can't lose weight.. Please be honest in this blog b/c honesty is the only way we can help each other.. I would love for us to post tips on things we have tried or things that may be good but low in calories to eat.. Please don't hold back on your thoughts, ideas and frustrations about this issue.. If you are thinner it's okay too b/c we all struggle with also keeping the weight off and we all need someone to vent to about this topic.. Thank you for blogging with me and I hope we can stick with this and maybe in 6 months we can change the title from Jigglers to weight happy..